By Mark Cox, Director and Miette Xamon, Law Clerk
With the flexibility of information technology, working from home is easier than ever, and more popular for many, being associated with greater overall job satisfaction.
By Mark Cox, Director and Miette Xamon, Law Clerk
With the flexibility of information technology, working from home is easier than ever, and more popular for many, being associated with greater overall job satisfaction.
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1. This Agreement and attached Schedules set out the terms on which you engage MDC Legal to provide the Specified Working Schedules 1 and2 (Subscription).
2. This Agreement, the Subscription and our services are subject to the Legal Profession Act 2008(WA) (LPA). The services we provide will be by Australian legal practitioners,or a person employed by MDC Legal who is supervised by an Australian legal practitioner.
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14. If a monthly payment is unpaid for 15 days or more, we may charge you interest at the rate prescribed by the LPA. If we need to use a debt collecting service or external solicitors to recover our costs we reserve the right to pass those costs on to you.
15. The Subscription Fees may be more than would be chargeable under the costs scale fixed by the Legal Costs Committee (an independent statutory authority established under legislation that regulates the legal profession in Western Australia), namely the Solicitors Costs Determination 2015.
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18. GST(Goods and Services Tax) is payable in relation to each taxable supply under this Agreement. "GST", "taxable supply" and tax invoice" have the meaning given in the A New Tax System (Goods & Services Tax) Act 1999.
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20. Any changes to persons you nominate as Authorised Users must be confirmed in writing and are effected upon our confirmation of your request made in writing to: [email protected] or to PO Box1656, West Perth 6872.
21. We may terminate this Agreement in writing if:
22. In circumstances where we terminate this Agreement for any of the above reasons the balance of any outstanding Subscription Fees become due and payable as a debt.
23. In these circumstances we will notify other parties, courts or tribunals that we no longer act for you. If this Agreement is terminated, it will not affect any lien we may otherwise have over your documents and property.
24. We own the copyright in all correspondence and documents that we produce including this one.Our documentsare not to be used for commercial purposes,reproduced or provided to third parties without our permission.
25. We assert our intellectual property rights over any and all work we produce in your matter to the fullest extent permitted by law.
26. We will return your original documents and property to you at the conclusion of your matter, subject to our right to assert a lien over your file, original documents and property to secure payment of our outstanding Subscription Fee, unless a court orders otherwise.
27. We are required by law to retain copies of your documents for 7 years before they are destroyed.
28. You are entitled and encouraged to seek independent legal advice about this Agreement.
29. This Agreement is governed by the laws applicable in, and the jurisdiction of the courts of, Western Australia.
30. This Agreement takes effect and is binding on the parties once you have returned the Agreement.
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