The Right to Disconnect – How Will It Impact Small Businesses?

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By Andrea McNamara, Senior Associate

The Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes No 2) Act 2024 introduces changes that will affect small businesses regarding an employee’s “right to disconnect”.

What is the impact of these changes on small business, and how can you comply with an employee’s right to disconnect while still ensuring that the operational requirements of your business are met?

This article outlines what you need to know about:
i) the right to disconnect for your small business; and
ii) how to prepare for the changes to ensure compliance.

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New financial year = opportunity for a new approach to your business’ workplace relations

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By Nikita, Barsby, Special Counsel

With the new financial year upon us, what is your business planning to do differently this year to more effectively and efficiently manage one of the most important aspects of managing any business – its workplace relations? With a myriad of changes coming into play in the workplace relations landscape, it’s crucial to take the time to reflect on and refresh workplace relations practices. Here are our suggestions to set your business up for workplace relations success, and minimise risk, this new financial year.

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Fair Work Commission rejects argument that an unwritten employment agreement existed concurrently with a written director agreement

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by Lucy Wardle, Lawyer

The Fair Work Commission has dismissed a general protections application on the basis the applicant was solely a director – and not an employee. Consequently, the applicant could not have been “dismissed” as that term is defined within the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and his general protections claim failed.

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Australian Human Rights Commission New Powers

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By Andrea McNamara, Senior Associate

As of December 2023 the Australian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) has new powers to enforce compliance with the positive duty of employers to prevent sex discrimination and harassment. The AHRC has new enforcement powers to initiate inquiries, make recommendations, issue compliance notices, refer matters to the federal court and enter into legally binding agreements with employers regarding required action.

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